
Mobile App Habit Report

A Study of Mobile Gamers’ App Habits Beyond Games

Over the years, Digital Turbine has conducted extensive research on mobile users and in particular, mobile gamers, to understand their consumption habits, motivations, purchase decisions, and favorite mobile apps.In its third iteration, The Mobile App Habit Report focuses on the overall app habits of one of the most engaged user groups — mobile gamers. Digital Turbine collaborated with GWI, an audience insights technology company, to ask U.S. mobile gamers aged 18 to 64 an array of questions about the apps they use, what they use them for, and much more.Topics include:

  • App discovery and download motivation
  • Types of apps mobile gamers have downloaded including entertainment, retail, finance, food, health and fitness, travel, and game genres
  • Reasons for gaming on a smartphone
  • When mobile gamers are playing
  • Factors that influence the decision to download or not download an app
  • Trust across app categories
  • Reasons to delete an app
  • Best practices for user opt-ins and getting good reviews